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TDP exposed KCR's farm claims!

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TRS President KCR’s dream of green farming in Telangana took political turn. As per KCR, that farmers could earn one crore per each acre by cultivating red capsicum in their land. KCR also gave promise to Telangana Dalits on giving 3 acres each after the formation of the new state. TDP start attacking on KCR statements and make it ridicules one. CBN told that KCR is deceiving and cheating the farmers with his statements.
No farmer could earn one crore income by using all updated technology in cultivation even in advanced countries like US and America. Continued to that, CBN asked farmers to devolve their land to KCR and take back 5 lakhs per acre. He challenged KCR took remaining 95 lakhs and prove that your statement is correct. KCR is trying to convert all black money into white in the name of agriculture. CBN also took lesson to journalists on writing articles on KCR green farming without having minimum knowledge.

Another leader Erraballi criticized that KCR get all seeds, manure, fertilizers and other equipment from the traders with blackmail. KCR forced the buyers to buy his crops with higher price. KCR statement added more troubles to the TRS. TRS is in dilemma on how to convince the people that KCR calculations are correct. Internally, TRS sources agreed that “One Crore per Acre” is exaggerated figure. TDP leaders demand KCR to merge TRS into Congress for the formation of Telangana.

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