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Hyderabad pubs 'No Entry' for same sex couples?

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With the recent Supreme Court ruling, there seems to be some effect of this over the pubs and partying joints in Hyderabad! Sources say that the managements of most night clubs and discotheques in Hyderabad are denying entry for same sex couples.

This was witnessed during several year-end parties where it was clear that there should be no stag entries and same sex couple was not eligible to be called a couple. Hard Rock Café in Banjara Hills reportedly displayed a board that a couple is defined as a man and a woman, while another grand big pub in Madhapur declared that same sex couples were not allowed on regular couples’ passes.

Meanwhile members of the LGBT community have reportedly said that such rules laid down by the club authorities are disturbing and feel that certain section of society should be sensitized on the issue.

Some pubs have reportedly stated that no community was being singled out and that the rules were put in place for security reasons even as they don’t want their guests to become uncomfortable by stags around. Last month the Supreme Court had overruled a 2009 Delhi high court order which decriminalized homosexuals.

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