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Disco Review

Posted by : Unknown on : 0 comments
Rating: 1/5

Disco (Nikhil) is an orphan in a Telugu film of moderate budget. And like most films of such budgets he has a voice over telling us of his other traits every now and then. The genre of such films can named after what they take the
audience to be: fools with amnesia.
Disco is supposed to be a very selfish character who doesn’t mind taking advantage of his friends for his own benefits and the writer probably considers this original character sketch to be ingenious and includes it into every needless voice over and dialogue graciously supported by an obvious lack of aesthetics in every department of film making.
Disco and his group of friends go about life with random clichés and mockery of everything from Telugu films to TV commercials, and as random as it seems,the writer tries to connect these badly written and performed sequences in highly unoriginal ways to prove the mild brains of the moderately budgeted hero.
Here is a film crew that works hard to pay tribute to films made by master filmmakers such as Puri Jagannath, a fact that’ll help you judge the quality of minds behind this one.
Hard working
The most publicised trait of our industry (about crews and stars). All our stars especially, are real hard workers and it clearly shows on screen. They try so hard, to dance, for all the hectic action episodes, the hard working romance and other hard working stuff they do; so hard to sit through all their hard working suffering on screen.
It’ll be a welcome exception to watch some good work in the writing department instead of all the intense and ugly to look at physical struggle.
With every new generation, the number of true (original) performances one is seen in before they start promoting their own brand of stardom seems to shorten.
With Nikhil, it was one. He was the show stealer in Happy Days and his films were re-assurances of degradation around from then on.
Ali was the only relief for a few minutes in the second half of this tiresomely sleazy film.
Of the industry’s hierarchy, the makers of this one belong at the bottom (the scum). No point in giving their film a shot.

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